Klassikfestivals Berner Oberland (KFBO): Project competition "Diversity in the audience"

The Klassikfestivals Berner Oberland (KFBO) are organizing a project competition on the subject of “Diversity in the audience”. We are calling for ideas concerning new, innovative projects in the field of music education that will ensure greater diversity in the audiences of classical music organizations in the Berner Oberland.

The audiences of many concert organizers in the classical music sector are still firmly in the hands of the predominantly older, classical middle class. Other social groups, such as people with different language or educational backgrounds, young people, people working in certain professions or people with disabilities, are often underrepresented or feel little welcomed.

How do you motivate and inspire people for classical music who have perhaps never been to such a concert? What can be done to invite previously excluded groups to participate in cultural events and, if necessary, connect them with a more familiar audience? Send us your project idea!

The winning project will be rewarded with a prize money worth CHF 2'000.-. Preference will be given to ideas with potential for implementation in all 14 festivals. The members of the KFBO will decide independently whether they would like to realize the project in their festival. The costs for any execution will be paid separately.


Please send your project description (length: one to max. two A4 pages) including a budget by e-mail to the KFBO office: Ms. Christine Lüthi, info(at)klassikfestivals-berneroberland.ch

Deadline: 15 September 2024

For questions and further information please refer to Mr. Vital Julian Frey: vital.frey(at)bachwochen.ch, +41 78 745 25 77.


Klassikfestivals Berner Oberland
KFBO is a network of 14 renowned festivals that strengthens the stability and influence of each individual festival through joint activities. www.klassikfestivals-berneroberland.ch